Lucknow, July 6 : Seven students of City Montessori School namely Vaibhavi Agarwal, Mukund Agarwal, Madhav Agarwal, Aman Kanchal, Ashish Adwani, Vibhuti Mishra and Niharika Nagar qualified the prestigious CA final examination, bringing glory to the institution. The examination for Chartered Accountancy is conducted by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, the results of which were declared recently. CMS Founder, Dr Jagdish Gandhi congratulated the students for their outstanding achievement and wished them success in their future endeavours.
that Vaibhavi Agarwal passed her ICSE (Class X) Board Exams with aggregate 93.2% marks and ISC (Class XII) Board Exams with 94.5% marks from CMS Mahanagar Campus. Vaibhavi says that her teachers gave her excellent support and guidance during her years in CMS and the CMS Founder-Manager inspired her with his powerful speeches and words of motivation. Similarly, Mukund Agarwal, a student of CMS Station Road Campus said that it was his complete dedication and commitment which led to his success in the tough CA Examination. He said that CMS makes you a complete person ready to take up new challenges in life. Here he was able to clear his concepts and remove his difficulties. Due credit, he says must be given to the Economics teacher, Jaishree Ma’am and Accounts teacher, Mr Jayant Malviya. These outstanding teachers inspired him towards success. Mukund passed his ICSE with 95% marks and ISC (Class XII) Exams with 97% marks. Similarly all the other CMS selections in Chartered Accountancy Examination gave credit for their success to the brilliant CMS teachers and the conducive study environment in CMS Campuses.